Sermons - August 2024

2024-08-25 - Morning
Covenant Reformed Church, MT - Rev. Orrie Oosthuizen
Text: Revelation 3:14-22
Theme: The Report of Christ's Visitation in the Congregation at Laodicea.

The church at Laodicea was a church without many problems – or at least that is the way it seemed from the outside. Christ however knows the hearts and calls them out for being neither hot nor cold, but lukewarm, tepid. They seem to have all the makings of obedience, and they seem to be doing everything right – yet without any vigor and conviction. The Lord Jesus warns them that He will spit them out if they do not soon become hot again. He also promises a place on the throne with Him for those who repent of their lukewarmness and who grabs hold of His promises with all their power.

Rev3 14 22TheReport of ChristsVisitation in theCongregation in Laodicea

2024-08-25 – Evening
Covenant Reformed Church, MT - Rev. Orrie Oosthuizen
Text: Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 6 & Exodus 32, Hebrews 2
Theme: The True Mediator that can Reconcile Us, Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Up to this point, the Catechism has corralled us to a point where it becomes clear who the true Mediator of man must be. There can be only One and His Name is Jesus Christ. The true Mediator however needs to have certain qualifications in order to be regarded as and be able to be the true Mediator. Firstly, He must be truly man as it is only man who can pay for the sins of man. Secondly, He needs to be truly God because it is only God Himself who can stand amidst the holy wrath against sin. Jesus Christ, our Lord, being verily man, and verily God is our one and only true Mediator. This is the fulfilment of the Gospel which began in Genesis 3 right after the fall of man.

Exo 32 Heb2 HC6 TheTrueMediator that canReconcileUsJesusChrist our Lord

2024-08-18 - Morning
Covenant Reformed Church, MT - Rev. Orrie Oosthuizen
Text: Revelation 3:7-13
Theme: The Report of Christ's Visitation in the Congregation at Philadelphia.
Being a small church is tough with very many challenges. Yet keeping the faith and remaining faithful even though small does not go by unnoticed. Christ commends the church at Philadelphia for keeping the faith and standing by the teaching of Scripture. However, He doesn’t only commend them for a job well done; Christ also opens for them a door which none can close. In the city where they were ministering it might seem that they will have no effect, yet Christ assures them that He will open doors for them – they just need to remain faithful in their witness. Christ further promises to make them pillars in the new city, writing His and His Father’s Name on those who remained faithful.

Rev3 7 13 TheReport of ChristsVisitation in the Congregation in Philadelphia

2024-08-18 – Evening
Covenant Reformed Church, MT - Rev. Orrie Oosthuizen
Text: Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 5 & Psalm 130, Hebrews 10:1-18
Theme: Reconciliation with God is Only Possible through Complete Satisfaction.

2024-08-11 - Morning
Covenant Reformed Church, MT - Rev. Orrie Oosthuizen
Text: Revelation 3:1-6
Theme: The Report of Christ's Visitation in the Congregation in Sardis.
Having a good reputation as a living and active church, served the church in Sardis well. Yet Christ calls them dead. Much like a balloon looking pretty but being filled with air, they seemed alive but were in fact dead. Scathing words from the One who holds the seven stars in His right hand. The church in Sardis was guilty of form-religion. Going through the motions and doing the rituals and saying the words, yet without conviction of heart. They did not serve and love God with all their heart, all their mind, and all their soul. Yet there is still time. They can come alive again through the Spirit if they will just WAKE UP before it is too late.

Rev 3 1 6 TheReport of ChristsVisitation in the Congregation in Sardis

2024-08-11 – Evening
Covenant Reformed Church, MT - Rev. Orrie Oosthuizen
Text: Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 4 & Romans 1:16-32
Theme: The Unchanging God Upholds His Majesty Against Rebellious Covenant-Children.
Since man is so depraved, would it not be unfair of God to ask of man to keep His holy law if man is utterly unable to do so? This is the zeitgeist of today. Yet the law has always been the law ever since the first day in paradise. Man forfeited his ability to remain obedient and can therefore not expect God to lower the bar for him. God effects His holy justice and righteousness and demands satisfaction of His holy wrath. That is why Christ suffered on Calvary in our place, so that we may stand before God as completely just and righteous through His blood.

HC LD 4 Rom1 16 32 The unchanging God upholds His majesty against rebellious covenant children

2024-08-04 - Morning
Covenant Reformed Church, MT - Rev. Orrie Oosthuizen
Text: Revelation 2:18-29
Theme: The Report of Christ's Visitation in the Congregation in Thyatira.
The church in Thyatira are commended by Christ for their works of love, faith, and service. They have grown in this. But the Lord has it against them that they tolerate heresies and falsehoods in their midst. A part of the church followed a false prophetess and indulged in sin and immorality. Christ warns that He will come to destroy those who do not repent. To those who have not indulged in the teachings of this false prophetess, Christ promises the victory and authority. But they must hold fast to what they have been given, the Word of God.

Rev 2 18 29 TheReport of Christs Visitation in the Congregation in Thyatira

2024-08-04 – Evening
Covenant Reformed Church, MT - Rev. Orrie Oosthuizen
Text: Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 3 & Romans 5, Ephesians 4, Belgic Confession Article 15
Theme: Original Sin.
Man is depraved from the root up. Since Adam sinned and all men stem from Adam, all men have not only the ability to sin, but the natural inclination and predisposition towards sinning. This is called “Original Sin”. Unless something external changes this natural inclination, man is doomed to remain in his sin and death as the result of those sins. Thank the Lord that we have Jesus Christ who died on our behalf so that His Holy Spirit might come into our lives and regenerate us so that we may become new.

HC LD 3 BC 15 Rom5 Eph4 Original Sin